Serving Burgers & Booze Since 1992 view shopping cart


My initial introduction to the internet was many years ago, on my big old 75-pound desktop computer, which, if I recall, was powered by gasoline. I remember how excited I was the first time I used a search engine. And not just because every keyword I entered would bring up porn. Nope. It was the idea that so much knowledge, so much information was right there at my fingertips. At everyone’s fingertips. It was clearly a new dawn of awareness for humanity. If ignorance were to continue in the world, it would now be solely by choice. Sadly, that choice continues to be very popular.

I deal directly with this type of ignorance in the form of people being mad at my employees. People show up with their 4 kids and are mad that we have a 21-and-over policy. People want their free birthday meal and are mad that we don’t actually offer that as an option. People come when we’re closed, and are mad about that. “But I read it on the internet,” they will angrily declare. Well guess what, folks? Just because you read it on the internet doesn’t mean it’s true. Don’t be mad at us about it. To further clarify, The Vortex does not control the internet. Only our teensie weensie little corner of it.

Every single day I read inaccurate stuff about The Vortex. From online articles, to foodie blogs, to the yippy-yappy review sites – spurious information is everywhere. But if you want to find actual, factual information about a business, it’s remarkably easy. Just visit their website. That’s what websites are for. Like most reputable businesses, we strive to keep ours up-to-date. And if errors are ever pointed out by our loyal fans, we always correct them as soon as possible. So if you read a policy on our website, it’s most likely going to be true. But if you read something about our business that we were not responsible for writing, it just might not be. Shocking, I know. False information posted on the internet. What is this world coming to?